Tuesday – at the school

On Tuesday morning it was a case of dodge the showers as we made our way to Ecole du lac for a full day of activities.

There were some skill and problem solving games which involved the children working together plus a project designing pages for a book about the Olympic Games / Jeux Olympiques in English and French.

The pictures below give just a taste of the activities.

Following a busy morning, it was time for lunch in the school canteen. Everyone seemed to enjoy the paella (and the alternative options).

After lunch, more work on our bilingual books and two Kahoot quizes, one on planet Earth and environmental issues and the other on the Olympic Games.

To finish the afternoon, we gave some small gifts to our correspondents and enjoyed some home made local cakes (made by the French parents) in the school garden area.

It was a great day at school with everyone working well together. Thank you to Maître Stéphane and all the team at Ecole du lac for such a well organised day.

In the evening we had a bit of time in the classroom at the centre, before the evening meal.