Headteacher: Andrew Drury
Wanborough Primary School, The Beanlands, Wanborough, Swindon, SN4 0EJ
Tel: 01793 790269 Email:admin@wanborough.swindon.sch.uk
Farewell Assembly 2023
Last updated 21.07.23

On Friday 21st July we held a Farewell Assembly. Mr Drury shared his research on the origins of "Goodbye" in the 16th Century as "God Be With Ye" and reflected the many ways that we can say Goodbye these days in texts, emails, phone calls and so on.

He shared the quote "Goodbyes make you think. They make you realise what you had, what you've lost and what you've taken for granted".

Before talking about the adults who are leaving, Mr Drury praised Year 6 for the way that they have behaved and described them as the "best class ever for playing with and looking after the little ones at lunchtime".

He'll be saying more at the Leavers' Service.

Mrs Harris, one of our essential MDSA team will be leaving and will have presentation next week.

So onto the staff present at the assembly today:

Miss Halliwell has made a valuable contribution to school life, in Reception and with KS1 classes and we wish all the best for her move to a new school.

Also leaving an important member of the administration team, our School Business Manager, Mrs Lever, who is retiring. Mrs Lever has been a great asset to the school in connection with all the many financial matters that are essential to the smooth running of the school.

Mr Day has been with us since 2013, starting with Year 4, then mostly teaching Year 1 & 2. He has also been responsible for overseeing both the IT curriculum and the the school IT technology and has been a great all round team player. He leaves us to go to a new teaching role and we wish him every success.

Mrs Bermingham has been working as a Teaching Assistant at Wanborough since 2001, in recent years mostly with Year 6 and has been an outstanding support to the teachers and the children. Her contribution to so many aspects of the school, especially on the sports side, has gone above and beyond. Plus she took on one of the toughest jobs in the school: managing the Stock Cupboard - we may have to put up a commemorative plaque! She has lots of interests outside school and we wish her all all the best in her retirement.