Headteacher: Andrew Drury
Wanborough Primary School, The Beanlands, Wanborough, Swindon, SN4 0EJ
Tel: 01793 790269 Email:admin@wanborough.swindon.sch.uk
Worldbeat 2019
Last updated 26.11.19
On Thursday 21st November the whole school took part in our annual international singing show, Worldbeat!

We celebrate the variety of languages in Europe and beyond, with each class performing to represent a country of their choice.

All the children and staff put an immense amount of work into preparing the songs and dance routines, as well as their costumes.

As added extras this year, Willow Class representing New Zealand started with a haka before singing the alphabet in Maori and Pinecone not only sang, but signed in British Sign Language.

The standard this year was really high throughout. Our judges had a very difficult task to decide the winners. On the judging panel, along with one representative from each class, we were pleased to welcome back Mrs Clegg, who was joined by Mrs Evans (the school governor with special interest in languages) and the Revd Bill O'Connell.

The whole event was compèred once again by Mr Drury and was planned by our languages specialist, Mrs Hook.

Below you can see Mr Luckhurst's great pictures of the show and videos of the whole of the winning performance, plus clips of all the others.

Well done to Oak, this year's winners, representing Switzerland and singing in German and French (two of that country's 3 languages). Also congratulations to everyone for making it another exciting and memorable morning.