Wanborough Primary School

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Conker Class - Term 3

This week (W/C 03.02) we were exploring jumping in PE. We went through how to jump safely by bending our knees on take-off and landing, as well as how we can use our arms to push ourselves further in each jump. The children practiced this in pairs and then as a whole class, we set a challenge to see how many jumps it took us to get from one side of the hall to the other. The fewer jumps, the better!

Y1 WC 03.02


This week (W/C 27.01) Conker class were recapping their knowledge of human and physical features in Geography. We discussed the definition of each type before going on a search to see what features we could find within the school grounds!

This week (W/C 20.01), Conker class created collages inspired by Piet Mondrian! We have been learning about Mondrian over the course of the term, finding out facts about the artist himself, appraising some of his work (Broadway Boogie Woogie has been a firm favourite!) and creating artwork inspired by him through various mediums. 


This week (W/C 13.01) in English, we have been looking at the story 'The Deep, Dark Wood' by Algy Craig Hall. The children sequenced the story to help them begin learning it. We also changed our role play area to fit our 'Space' topic, which the children had a lot of fun exploring during choosing time. In PSHE, we discussed the meaning of success and how success might leave us feeling proud. The children then wrote down something they were proud of.

Y1 T3, Week 2


This week (W/C 06.01), Conker recapped their knowledge of 3D shapes and used a variety of objects to create 2D shape pictures in maths. In art, the children have started learning about Piet Mondrian and explored ways to create artwork inspired by Mondrian. They used media such as paint, colouring pencils, collage and magnetic tiles.


