Wanborough Primary School

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Willow Class - Term 3

In Science, the children were tasked with identifying electrical dangers around the home and then creating a poster to showcase their findings. They have produced some amazing warning posters. In PE, the children have been developing their reflexes and co-ordination through catch and move challenges.


This term our topic is the Victorians and the Industrial Revolution. In class, the children have been learning how to multiply 3 digits together mentally using a range of techniques. The children competed against each other, trying to complete connect 4 with their answers. In PSHE, the children were looking at goals and dreams, and what skills they need in order to achieve them.  They were able to complete a sorting challenge about a famous sports person and how they overcame numerous hurdles to achieve their dream. Finally, a few members of the class took part in a football festival last Tuesday. They performed brilliantly against tough opposition and were a great credit to the school.

