Pinecone Class - Term 1
Last week, we began looking at addition and subtraction in Maths. We used lots of different mathematical equipment such as blocks, Numicon and counters to explore number bonds and represent them in various ways.
Last week, we were extremely lucky to have some butterflies visit us. The butterflies were Painted Lady butterflies which are common in parts of Africa. We were able to see and observe them throughout the day and we released them in the afternoon. We also went on a minibeast hunt as part of our Science work. We searched for minibeasts in two different areas within the school grounds. As it was European Day of Languages last week, we learnt some Spanish with the help of Carolina Walker.
Pinecone Week 4
Last week, we have been learning how to use number lines in Maths and we have been placing numbers on the correct place on our number lines. This helps us to compare and order numbers. In English, we have been reading a book set in Africa called 'Laughing Giraffe' and we sequenced some pictures to help us recall events from the story.
Pinecone Week 3
Pinecone class have settled into Year 2 really well. Last week, we began learning about Tingatinga Art and we looked at some fantastic pictures of some very colourful African animals painted by Edward Tingatinga. In Maths, we were playing a game to help us match up numerals and words for numbers up to 100.