Wanborough Primary School

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Curriculum Statement

Underpinning everything we do at Wanborough Primary School is the idea of maximising learning through our GROW values (goals, resilience, outstanding and wonder). The aim of our curriculum is to deliver high quality, rich, creative and enjoyable teaching activities which inspire and enable children to learn effectively and achieve outstanding outcomes in all subjects. We have the highest expectations of all learners. There is no ceiling set for the performance of any pupil. So, we set ambitious, aspirational targets for the continual improvement of all learners. We always look for suitable and appropriate opportunities to stretch and challenge every pupil.

Our school curriculum is enriched by our E-twinning and Erasmus project work, assemblies, school clubs, extra-curricular and inter school opportunities, visitors, trips, residential experiences, theme weeks and days. We offer an inclusive curriculum and encourage the children to reflect upon their learning and thinking in order to overcome all barriers that prevent pupils from succeeding. The learning topics we have created are a key element in our teaching of the curriculum. Each subject is planned to teach the key knowledge and skills through a progressive series of lessons across all age groups. Subjects are taught discretely as appropriate.

In our view a fit body and a fit mind are inter linked. So we ensure pupils have a wide range of opportunities to engage in sport and physical education. Staff use their understanding of Growth Mindset, Metacognition, Mindfulness and Wellbeing to create positive learning climates for individuals and groups.

We continually look for meaningful opportunities for pupils to apply the skills and knowledge they have learnt in English and Mathematics in other subject areas to enable class timetables to be fit for purpose in delivering all subjects within the National curriculum.

All staff seek out relevant and meaningful opportunities to develop pupils' social, moral, cultural and spiritual understanding when teaching all subjects and with respect to our shared British values. Monthly values re-enforce this commitment.

The National Curriculum forms a part of our whole school curriculum. We take autonomy for our school curriculum and for the way we plan for and deliver the National Curriculum.


Homework is set weekly. We encourage pupils to be just as creative outside of school as they are inside of school and to build upon their learning. We set homework from across the curriculum, encompassing all subject areas, that provides pupils with opportunities to play games, make models, design posters and be creative in how they present their ideas; as well as formal writing and mathematics. We encourage the use of ICT and also set online activities through Purple Mash and Times Table Rockstars.

Curriculum Overviews:

Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Year 6