Wanborough Primary School

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Oak Class - Term 1

This week we have been immersed in colour!  In art, we explored Monet's Haystack series of paintings and created our own versions using specific colour palettes for each season.  In science, we investigated the colour spectrum.  We created colour wheels and spun them as fast as we could.  We noticed that when the wheel span the colours disappeared and all we could see was white.  

Year 6 - week 7th October

 This week we focused on the poem In Flanders Fields by John McCrae.  We read the poem as a class and discussed the language used and message the poet is giving us.  For our class display, we created poppy art pictures.  We chose to use oil pastels, water colours or paints. 

 Yet another busy week in Year 6.  In art we are learning about Claude Monet and the impressionists.  On Monday, we practised using impressionist techniques to paint a landscape.  In our maths lesson on Tuesday, we investigated where squared numbers get their name from.  We made arrays using counters and noticed that they all formed squares! On Friday afternoon we had our computing lesson.  We were tasked with creating and debugging codes.  

Year 6 - week 23rd September

 In our science lesson this week we made periscopes!  We cut a hole out of the top and the bottom of cereal boxes and then cut slits into the sides for the mirrors.  We had to angle the mirrors carefully to make sure they reflected the light so that we could see out of the top of the box.  It was a bit tricky but lots of fun.  We then discussed how periscopes were used in WW1 by soldiers so that they could safely look above the trenches.    

Year 6 - week - 16th September

 What a busy start to the year for Oak Class.  This week we have continued with our WW1 topic by researching about what life was like in the trenches for soldiers - we used laptops to make notes and will be creating information pages in our books.  In science we investigated how light travels in straight lines and used mirrors to redirect light.  In English we looked at the features of diary writing and in PE we continued to develop our team work and communication skills with Brad from Premier League Stars.  

Year 6 - week 9th September

