Wanborough Primary School

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Please remember the Easyfundraising link as a way to support the PTA when you are making all kinds of purchases.

Introduction to The PTA

All Parents, Guardians & Staff are members of the PTA, and are welcome to any committee meetings.


Frozen Friday 12th July:

The PTA sold ice cream after school. Mr Large, Mr Hitt & Miss Corbyn were good sports and sat in the stocks waiting for you to throw sponges for £1

Fundraising targets

One of the items that that the school has asked us to raise money for is the replacement of the SMART white boards in each of the classrooms. These are aging and are not working as well as they could be, plus there must have been huge advances in technology since we last purchased the boards. We of course would love to find this, and have said we will, it is thought that replacement and installation of all the white boards in all the classrooms will be around £10,000 so as always, every penny counts. So every time you buy a beer or some food, play a game, buy a ticket, have your face painted or get a tattoo know that the money you have given us will go towards these white boards or other valuable experiences.

Talking about spending the PTA raised funds recently we have spent some of the funds raised in ensuring that all the children had first aid training from the Wiltshire Air Ambulance. The children enjoyed the workshops and were thoroughly engaged in the age-appropriate skills and information. We feel the training that they received was invaluable, and we hope they came home and told you all about it. In addition to this earlier in the year to celebrate Science Week we used some of the PTA funds to purchase Science Workshops for all the Children which we are told they loved, as well as purchasing some Lego sets for Lego therapy.

Follow us on Facebook for the most up-to-date information www.facebook.com/Wanboroughprimarypta . If you would like to join us (we are very friendly) either by joining the committee or our group of helpers email us contactpta@wanboroughprimary.org

Summerfest Disco

Back to raising money, on Friday 17th May evening we invited the KS2 children and their families to our Summerfest disco. We know it is still spring, but we were hoping that our summer theme disco would help to bring on some summer vibes, and we believe it worked, after rain (some particularly heavy) earlier in the week and a prediction of rain on the evening, we did not see one drop, it was lovely and warm. The children all appear to have a great time dancing to the tunes of DJ Woodman, munching on freshly cooked woodfired pizza, eating sweets or some drinking some strange looking bubble drink and having their face painted or hands covered in Henna or tattoos, the adults also appeared to enjoy our "adult creche".

We managed to raise a huge £1,191.89. Thank you so much for buying a ticket and spending your money!! A huge thanks also must go to all of the ex-pupils who came back to help us. It really means a lot to us, and it is always lovely to see your faces. What are you doing at the fete? Thank you also to all the people who offered their help. These events would not run without people volunteering and we would not be able to raise any money without them. To anyone just enjoying the festivities at any of our events please can you help us by placing your own rubbish in the bins provided.

Scarecrow Trail

We would also like to thank the organisers of the Scarecrow trail for choosing us as one of the charities benefitting from the Scarecrow trail. Thanks to them and everyone who made or hosted a scarecrow, who bought a trail, and/or refreshments from the village hall or the school, or any person or family who volunteered to sell the refreshments. The PTA were given just over £1,300 and wasn’t the trial just fantastic this year?

Summer Fete 2024

Our planning is now ramping up for the Summer Fete on the 29th of June 12pm – 4pm make sure it is in your diaries!! Everyone is invited! At the fete there will be a BBQ provided by The Harrow, lots of other food and drink options, stalls, games, raffles, Feteball football tournament (letter attached), entertainment, Glamarose cakes, sweets, inflatables the list just goes on and on. It is definitely not an event to miss. The fete is our biggest fundrais-er of the year and this year we are hoping for beautiful weather and lots and lots of fundraising! In order to put on such a big event we need a lot of volunteers. Please consider volunteering by yourself or as a family (we know our kids love running the stalls), just think if every family volunteered just half an hour, we would be able to run every stall we wanted, and everyone would be able to enjoy the event too.

If you are able to help us out please email contactpta@wanboroughprimary.org or look out for the signing up form at sports day. If any ex-pupils wish to volunteer, we would love to have them too.


If you are thinking about having a big spring clean remember our next Rags2Riches4Schools collection is on the 21.06.2024. Bags of clean good condition clothes, bags and shoes will be collected before 9am on the morning of the 21st. You can use any clean plastic bag to store your donation in.

For more details on what they will and will not collect please see their website https://rags2riches4schools.co.uk/what-we-collect/

AGM 2023

Click below to read Annual Report

Pre-Owned Uniform

The PTA has a substantial selection of pre-owned school uniform.

It's an affordable way to add items that you may need.

To find out if we have what you are looking for, email uniform@wanboroughprimary.org

Donate whilst you shop

Are you signed up to Easyfundraising?

Easyfundraising offers an easy, accessible and continual way for us to raise free funds.

Big brands like Tesco, Amazon, M&S and 7,000 others want to give back to schools. When someone shops at one of these brands online, the brand will donate a percentage of what you spend to the PTA. It's like using a cashback site but the funds come to the PTA rather than an individual.

Once you have signed up to Easyfundraising this is how it works: you want to buy new shoes for your kids, instead of heading directly to the Clark's website, you head to the Easyfundraising website or app first and then click on the Clark's link. Once the purchase is made because you went to Easyfundraising first, we will receive a percentage of your spend directly... It's easy!

To join Easyfundraising -

Sign Up Here:

Events Diary:
  • 21.06.24 – Rags2Riches4Schools Collection
  • 29.06.24 – Summer Fete

Please remember to follow us on our Facebook page 'Wanborough Primary PTA'.
We regularly post new events or updates on fundraising activities and so if you can't wait until the next school newsletter to see what we have been up to, please visit us here.
