Wanborough Primary School

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Pupil Assessment Data

No primary test or assessment data has been published by the Department for Education for 2020, 2021 or 2022. You can read more details on the DfE Performance Tables page

Pupil Achievement - 2023 National Data Comparisons

Key Stage 2

(NA) = 2023 National Average
% of pupils achieving expected standard in Reading, Writing and Maths 76 (NA 59)
% of pupils achieving higher standard in Reading, Writing and Maths 07 (NA 08)
Reading: % of pupils achieving expected standard 90 (NA 73)
Reading: % of pupils achieving a high standard 28 (NA 29)
Writing: % of pupils achieving expected standard 86 (NA 71)
Writing: % of pupils achieving a high standard 21 (NA 13)
Maths: % of pupils achieving expected standard 86 (NA 72)
Maths: % of pupils achieving a high standard 17 (NA 24)
Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling
% of pupils achieving expected standard 86 (NA 72)
% of pupils achieving a high standard 28 (NA 30)
Average scaled score in Reading: 107 (NA 105)
Average scaled score in Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling 107 (NA 105)
Average scaled score in Maths 106 (NA 104)
Progress measures Key Stage 1 to Key Stage 2:
(A score above 0 is added value from Key Stage 1)
Reading Progress +0.1 (NA 0.0)
Writing Progress +1.1 (NA 0.0)
Maths Progress -1.0 (NA 0.0)

Key Stage 1

(NA) = 2023 National Average

% of children working at expected standard:

Maths 86 (NA 70)
Writing 75 (NA 60)
Reading 79 (NA 68)
Science 93 (NA 79)

% of children working at a greater depth: (GDS)

Maths 24 (NA 16)
Writing 10 (NA 08)
Reading 24 (NA 19)

Year 1 Phonics 2023

% working at expected level 90 (NA 79)

EYFS 2023

% achieved Good Level of Development 81 (Local Authority Average 67)

Year 4 Multiplication Tables Check 2023

% pupils achieving 25/25 50 (NA 29)
Average Mean Score 23.8 (NA 20.2)