Wanborough Primary School

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Phonics and Reading

Phonics sound demonstrations: Oxford Owl: Phonics

At Wanborough Primary School, the teaching of phonics begins in Reception using Reading Planet Rocket Phonics, a validated phonics scheme, and teaching continues daily to at least the point where children can read almost all words fluently.

We follow a systematic approach where each grapheme is introduced clearly; a focus is placed on blending to read and segmenting to spell. This focus provides children with the skills they need to begin to read words, captions and whole sentences as soon as possible. Children are taught to read letters or groups of letters by saying the sound(s) they represent. Children can then start to read words by blending (synthesising) the sounds together to make a word.

Reading scheme books are fully decodable and are closely matched with our Phonics scheme. Children have access to a wide range of books for their own reading pleasure in our class book corners and the school Library. They are encouraged to select books which will interest and challenge them.

phonics powerpoint 2024.pdf

Guided reading

We aim to create successful, fluent, readers who will monitor their understanding of what they are reading and review the text when something does not make sense. In years 1-6, we follow a set sequence for Whole Class Guided Reading using "Fred's Teaching" Resources. In reading lessons, pupils are explicitly taught strategies including inference, questioning, clarifying, summarising, prediction and activating prior knowledge. The pupils use these strategies to check how well they comprehend what they have read, and overcome barriers to comprehension.

Pupils develop skills in skimming and scanning, forming opinions, thinking aloud, asking questions, getting the gist, connecting to prior knowledge, inference and prediction.

These skills are applied by the pupils with increased independence when interacting with texts across all curriculum areas.

Year 1 and 2 whole class guided readingYear 3 and 4 whole class guided readingYear 5 and 6 whole class guided reading 

Reading at home

Children learn best by getting lots of practise. Reading is a vital skill for all aspects of learning and daily reading is essential in order to help children practise their reading.

You can support your child by reading with them daily, discussing the text, sharing your own enjoyment of reading, visiting the library etc.

You can get suggestions of suitable books for different age groups from the Book Trust Website

There you will find not only reading suggestions but also information on the books and their authors.

Help your child with phonics leaflet

Reading ideas for parents 

Top tips for reading with your child at home
