Wanborough Primary School

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Religious Education

"The essence of all religions is one. Only their approaches are different."
Mahatma Gandhi, Indian lawyer

At Wanborough Primary School, Religious Education is an integral part of the curriculum in developing an individual's knowledge and understanding of the religions and beliefs which form part of contemporary society. The curriculum is intellectually challenging and personally enriching. It provokes balanced, well-informed conversations, inspires wonder and lets us celebrate our own beliefs as well as others. Throughout a child's experience at Wanborough Primary School, they will learn about Christianity, Islam, Hinduism and Humanism.

Curriculum Map

RE is provided in accordance with the Swindon Agreed Syllabus and draws from the most recent practice and educational thinking. The syllabus promotes an inclusive and educational approach to RE, which is of increasing importance to help people understand modern society and critical issues in the world, as well as promoting understanding and respect.
