Wanborough Primary School

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What Should I Do If...?

Arriving at school

Children can arrive at school from 8:15am. Children can line up outside their classrooms and can enter them at 8:20am in readiness for an 8:30am start.

My child is absent

Please telephone the school office by 9am on the first day of absence. Absences will then be recorded and you will not need to send in a note. Any absence that is not confirmed to the school will be shown as unauthorised. Alternatively you can email the school on admin@wanboroughprimary.org

My child is late

Please enter school via the front door and sign in at the office.

My Child has been unwell

Please refer to this advice on when it's safe for your child to return to school after illness from the Health Protection Agency. Read here

In particular, if your child has had any kind of diarrhoea or vomiting illness they should not return to school for 48 hours from the last episode, as these illnesses can be very contagious.

My child has a medical appointment during the school day

Where it is not possible to make this outside of school hours, please send a note in to the class teacher in advance. On the day, please sign your child out, using the book in the entrance porch, so that we have accurate records of children on the premises. If you return to school, please sign them back in.

We want to take a holiday in term time

We are no longer able to authorise holidays during term time, following guidance from the Department for Education.

Absence request form

My child would like a school dinner

School dinners must be ordered and paid for on the Thursday of the previous week. Read full details HERE... The current cost is £2.80 per day or £14.00 a week Payment is by Parent Pay. Credit will be carried forward for any days where dinners are not taken eg due to absence or school trips.

My child would like music lessons

The Swindon Music Co-operative organise lessons and collect payment for lessons in:

Piano, keyboard and guitar.

Their telephone number is 01793 530139 for details of availability and costs.
