Wanborough Primary School

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Willow Class - Term 1

In Computing, the children have been learning how to code. The children have used 'if or else' buttons to add commands and variables to their coding whilst also using 'click now' buttons to start a new variable.  Following on from last week's Music lesson, the children have created body percussion patterns to accompany their rhythmic patterns and singing. 






 Below is a recording of our music performance.



In Music, the children have been listening to the song, 'This little light of mine' and have been creating their own rhythmic patterns to accompany the song. In Science, the children completed an experiment where they investigated ice melting.  They had yellow and blue ice next to each other and had to predict what they thought might happen when the ice was placed over warm water. They were amazed by the final outcome!


 In Science, the class were investigating melting points and completed an experiment which tested how quickly chocolate would melt. They set up a range of beakers filled with water at different temperatures and placed chocolate in each one. They discussed how they would make the test fair and then measured the effects of the water on the chocolate. The children loved the smell and squishing chocolate between their fingers! In PSHE, the children were learning about rewards and consequences. They had to roleplay a scenario and share their thoughts on who should have a reward and whether there would be any consequences. Here are some of their freeze frame actions.


This week in Maths, the children have been finding 10, 100 and 1000 more or less than a number and using their place value knowledge to complete flexible partitioning. They played dominoes and memory games to support their understanding. In Geography, the children studied the features of a volcano and created mini diagrams which they have labelled. 

Willow class have started the year with a fantastic attitude towards their learning and have thoroughly enjoyed starting their new topics. In Science, the children have been investigating solids, liquids and gases and completing an experiment to determine whether gases have weight. In Maths, the class have been learning about place value and partitioning numbers up to 10,000. It has been a delight hearing the children's holiday stories and getting to know the class. I look forward to the year ahead!

